Mankal Vaidya exchanges views with government officers

05:02PM Wed 22 May, 2013

21st May 13 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal - For the first time after taking charge, the newly elected MLA Mankal Vaidya exchanged thoughts with government officers today in the conference hall of Taluka Panchayat. On this occasion, after listening to thoughts expressed by govt officers, he expressed his own views and said that being government workers we owe a lot of responsibility on us. If we do not consider ourselves superior and with the intention to serve the public if we try to fulfill our official duties, then, everyone will wish good for us which will further help us in our progress. He stressed on the importance of fulfilling the rights of the poor and trying our level best in helping the deserving and the entitled. On this occasion, he also questioned regarding electricity cuts and BPL ration cards and pleaded with them to resolve the issues at the earliest. On this occasion, President of Taluka Panchayat Mrs. Shanti, Vice President Madhukar Sabomane and Executive Officer Chinappa Moily were present on the dice. taluka-panchayat-meet-1 taluka-panchayat-meet-2